I updated the game and then forgot. Oops.

So this summer i updated the game (A Cat Jumps Down A Well), and then i forgot to add any hint of that for 2 months. The reason for that is a fine blend of school ,tiredness but mostly me just being an idiot and forgetting*. So might as well do it now because it's better late then never i guess.

So basically i only added level 2 with 4 new enemies, a new boss and 2 more songs. That's it, but I think it's a pretty good step up from level 1.

Maybe there's a chance I make the last level for cat well this year, because I'm really close to my original scope of the game having 3 levels, but that's a very big maybe and I mean a VERY BIG maybe. In terms of other thing I'm working on another game right now. Hopefully I keep it simple.

I hate the fact that that's all i have left to say. I don't maybe somebody out there will get a kick out of reading this, then that's cool i guess.

Bye for now i guess.

*correction: its entirely me being and idiot and forgetting

Get a cat jumps down a well

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